Buy-Back and Burn (BBB) and Buy-Back and Distribute (BBD)
BBB 25% of all platform fees are used to buy $LUMIN which is then burned. Combined with other elements, this function ensures the tokenomics of the $LUMIN token stay stable.
BBD 25% of all platform fees are used to buy $LUMIN, then distributed between the active borrowers. These $LUMIN tokens are automatically staked on the borrowersβ behalf.
$LUMIN token rewards are received in epochs. Each epoch lasts 1 week.
Any fee distributed (platform fee, vault fee, etc) is added to the current epoch. During this epoch, anyone can trigger a buy of the collected asset to wETH. Anyone can also trigger a buy of wETH to LUMIN.
When the epoch is closed, this process is done one last time automatically, after which it is determined how much each staker and borrower (BBD) can claim.
Stakers and borrowers can claim their rewards at any time after a closed epoch, and do not have to claim them before the end of the epoch (e.g. can still claim from last year up to now).
As an interesting utility, users can use this buffer to their own benefit.
Last updated